Rudraksha in Bangalore

Vedic Astrology in Bangalore

Vedic Astrology

New Age Astrology is based on scientific validation of astrological interpretation, usage of rudraksha & gemstones and solutions to solve issues and problems. [...]

Rudraksha in Bangalore


Rudraksha has dynamic polarity (it can change its polarity ) and works at cellular level in our body. Our cells have protein, DNA, RNA, and amino acids. [...]

Natural Jyotish Gemstones in Bangalore

Natural Jyotish Gemstones

Natural Gemstones are boosters. You should be very careful while you wear a gemstone. Or else, it would do more harm than any good.[...]

Pundit Commander (Retd) Santosh Kumar Sharma

“WHITE LOTUS SPIRITUALITY” is located at BANGALORE (INDIA). It is registered with government of India vide GSTIN 29ACLPS6880P1ZB. Pundit Santosh Sharmaa, a third generation astrologer and healer, who inherits a legacy of more than 100 years of his family, heads it.

In White Lotus Spirituality, we profess a metaphysical understanding of space, time, and energy. Logic, scientific validation, data analysis of thousands of people from all across the world are the hall marks of this institution. White Lotus Spirituality as an institution is engaged in philanthropic activities to serve the mankind through a charitable trust called “White Lotus Spirituality Global Charitable Trust”, registered with government of Karnataka (India) vide document no.656 of 2018-19 with Govt. of India PAN AAATW5367Q. [...]

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Planetery Effects

Rahu Graha

Rahu Graha

Rahu is depicted as head in ancient pictures and because of this, people think that Rahu influences the head region.

In Hindu scriptures, Rahu is referred as Chhayaa (shadow). It is correct because IR, which Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma refers as Rahu, is invisible to naked eyes. If you stand near a water body and look at your shadow, the reflection on water will be revered i.e. your head will be down and feet up. That is why, Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma says that Rahu effects the lower part of the body and NOT the head (head is down on water shadow as chhayaa).

Mars Mangal Graha

Mars Mangal Graha

Mars is highly misunderstood by people. However, It is a graha which is known as “mangal” means auspicious. This graha is for energy, heat, courage, leadership, and valor.

Too much of this energy (if Mars is exalted) or if it is malefic in astro chart, a person can be very short tempered and aggressive in behavior. If it is vakri then it can make one fearful and lazy. If it is debilitated then one can get into depression and does not take any interest in worldly matters.

A wrongly placed Mars can delay marriage. It can also disrupt relationships like Rahu and can lead a couple to divorce.

Venus Shukra Graha

Venus Shukra Graha

Venus is all about romance and sex. If Venus is good then person has a happy temperament, smiling face, beautiful figure, attractive eyes, and enchanting personality. They have interest in luxuries of life, good clothes, ornaments, ability to enjoy life physically and mentally.

A malefic / vakri or badly placed Venus robs a person of pleasures of life. Low sexual desire, premature ejaculation, frigidity, problems relating to sperms ( sperms are called “shukranu”), womb and conceive related issues of women are indications of Venus related problems.

Venus can help to be successful as a model, stage artist, movie actor and all kinds of creative activities.

Moon (Chandra) Graha

Moon (Chandra) Graha

We have 70 % water in our body. We know how moon influences the seawater creating lull or waves. Moon thus controls and influences our emotion. People born on days closer to Poornima (full moon) are generally happy-go-lucky types. They are very emotional and sentimental. On the other hand, those who are born closer to amavasya (new moon) are prone to depression and susceptible to negativity. A sad movie or song, or negative people make them get into melancholy and depression.

Seeing the moon position on astro chart, we can find out about a person temperament.

If Mars aspects moon , then one tend to be irritable or short tempered. Saturn dristi can make one depressed and sad. Loneliness and unhappy state of mind can be the result.

Jupiter Brihaspati Graha

Jupiter Brihaspati Graha

Jupiter is for wisdom and family happiness. It helps in studies, assimilation on knowledge, sound decisions, discerning ability and general wellbeing in one’s life. A malefic Jupiter can make a person incapable of taking correct decisions resulting in repentance. The person finds himself/ herself incapable of handling any kind of stress and panics when faced with small impediments. The stress piles up and leads to various complications like liver cirrhosis, and diabetes etc.

A badly placed Jupiter can delay marriage and /or no marriage.

It is a good idea to boost the power of Jupiter if it is well placed and/or it is vakri.

For detail advice, please contact Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma at 9845124158.

Sun Surya Graha

Sun Surya Graha

Sun helps us to gain name, fame, power, and authority. Sun is our soul. A debilitated Sun makes us dull, unimpressive, lacking in luster and brilliance, and worthless. If it can be energized, then the Sun can fill the life with brilliance, draw name and fame and bring honor to one’s life.

Sun effects our digestion system and pancreas. A weak Sun in astro chart can lead to gas, severe flatulence, and indigestion.

A badly placed Sun can force wife and husband to stay away from each other. It may not lead to divorce but they cannot stay physically close to each other. A combination of sun and Saturn can have catastrophic effects leading to power struggle and challenging situations.

For detail advice, please contact Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma at 9845124158.

Mercury (Budha) Graha

Mercury (Budha) Graha

This graha is for peace and tranquility in the heart. If Mercury is bad in astro chart then the person attracts wrong people to his/her life unknoPunditly those who give pain and sufferings to him/her. As this graha rules over heart chakra, it can effect all vital organs like heart, liver, lungs and pancreas also adversely.

Mercury is also for memory and intelligence. Students face many issues if Mercury is vakri or debilitated.

It has a tendency to behave like the other graha with which it occupies a house in astro chart. For example, if it is with Saturn then it acquires some properties of Saturn and so on. Sitting in marriage house , it can effect the sexual orientation of a person and in some cases with other combinations can lead to extra-marital relations.

For detail advice, please contact Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma at 9845124158.

Saturn Shani Graha

Saturn Shani Graha

Saturn is like a GPS. If functional, it will lead us to our destination of success. If it is malfunctioning then you will lend at wrong destination on the path of your life. Time, money, and efforts, all gone in waste.

Saturn rules over your Ajna chakra or third eye. The clarity about life, the visions, and goals of one’s life come from Saturn. Without knoPundit, we touch our forehead and say..” my karma..fate”, but in actuality, we are referring to Saturn..Shani maharaja. It is so because, Shani is the “danda adhikari”, means the judge who has the power to give awards and punishments as per past karma.

A good or well-placed Saturn gives multi-tasking abilities, house, land and vehicles etc. However, if the Saturn is badly placed then one can have sadness, melancholy, depression, para-psychological experiences, fear, lethargy, an tendency to take wrong decisions in life.

For detail advice, please contact Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma at 9845124158.

Ketu Graha

Ketu Graha

We discussed about Rahu. We learnt a new way to understand i.e. the working zone Rahu is at the root chakra (the lower part ) of our body. This is because of the “Chhaya” effect on water/liquid in a reversed way.

FolloPundit the same understanding, though the picture of Ketu is shown as lower part of the body, the working zone is over the head.

(read Rahu explanation).Ketu occupies the top layers of energy spectrum in the range of UV/Violet, above Saturn (which rules over third eye).

For detail advice, please contact Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma at 9845124158.


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